Priority Pass Party (SOLD OUT)
Date & Time
Thursday, October 7, 2021, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Sam Sorbo -
Raheem Kassam Kassam - Editor-in-Chief The National Pulse co-host 'War Room' podcast
DVS7.0 DVS7.0 -
Patriot J J -
Nick Adams -
Tracy Diaz - UncoverDC - Tracy Beanz
Daniel Chueh, MD -
Sheriff David Clarke Clarke -
Mike Donnelly Donnelly -
Benjamin Ferguson -
Joe Flynn -
Tana Goertz Goertz -
Bryson Gray Gray -
Alex Jordan Jordan -
Anna Khait -
Juanita Broadrick Broadrick -
Evan Sayet -
Ann Dorn Dorn -
Rebecca Holdon -
Raheem Kassam Kassam - Editor-in-Chief The National Pulse co-host 'War Room' podcast
DVS7.0 DVS7.0 -
Patriot J J -
Nick Adams -
Tracy Diaz - UncoverDC - Tracy Beanz
Daniel Chueh, MD -
Sheriff David Clarke Clarke -
Mike Donnelly Donnelly -
Benjamin Ferguson -
Joe Flynn -
Tana Goertz Goertz -
Bryson Gray Gray -
Alex Jordan Jordan -
Anna Khait -
Juanita Broadrick Broadrick -
Evan Sayet -
Ann Dorn Dorn -
Rebecca Holdon -

At AMP we celebrate those who support us! This party is for the attendees who purchased the early bird tickets. Eat, drink, & be merry with many of the most dedicated patriots from across the nation! Music by Milk & Cooks