Full Name
Elijah Schaffer Schaffer
Speaker Bio
Elijah Schaffer is a national reporter for Blaze Media, host of the BlazeTV show Slightly Offens*ve, and co-host of a new nightly podcast called “You Are Here” with Australian YouTuber, Sydney Watson. Elijah has spent the last several years infiltrating far left protests/riots and is most notable for documenting BLM/Antifa terrorism throughout 2020. His work includes capturing the Kyle Rittenhouse Kenosha incident, Capitol riot on 1/6, and theCHAZ/CHOP commune in Seattle. Elijah has been physically assaulted many times by Antifa, had his leg broken by DHS during the Portland 100 day riots, and was bloodied at gun point by BLM looters in Philadelphia. Elijah is currently a California refugee living in Dallas, TX happily with his lovely Australian wife, Kezia.
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